How do you measure the heart of a champion? Those who are bold and brave enough to scratch, scrap, and claw their way to destiny? They allow others to take the spotlight, the news stories, and the praise. They crouch silently, but alertly. Then, when the stars align, they pounce with terrible fury. The final thought of a prey animal that has finally
succomed to the predator must be something like, "I didn't see that coming" or maybe "Uh-oh..." Such will be the case with any team in our way. Little do they know we have secretly stalked them. Careful not to alert them to our presence. We have a unique opportunity to witness history unfold at a place where past, present, and future converge.

We played at paste
till qualified for Pearl
then left the paste
and deemed ourselves as fools
but this new Vision
and these New Hands
learned Gem Tactics
practicing Sands
Our past is behind us, the present is upon us, our future is in our hands. We just need to Take It
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