September 17, 2008


Dear faithfull readers,

I make no attempt to excuse my recent form.  School, work, social endevours, sickness can accumulate and combine against my passion for Real Salt Lake, but they can never overcome.  This blog, formerly a free-flowing fountain of information for my faithful readers, has since run dry and been left for dead.  But rest assured, ye faithfull readers, that you are not forgotten.  

And now, with this post amidst a drought of posts, there is much that could and perhaps should be said about RSL.  But alas, all I will offer is this peice of advice for RSL, followed by an ultimatum:  Beat fetchin' Chivas' aces.  You have one day.  


1 comment:

Amber said...

Who are your faithful readers... We would understand that you might have a life beyond Real (I know this sounds crazy life beyond REAL).